Tamoxifen Citrate

Nolvadex is the brand name for the drug Tamoxifen Citrate, which was manufactured by Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI). ICI was later bought by AstraZeneca, which is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Tamoxifen is currently on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs because of its many different uses. Although on paper it may appear that it might appear to be an aromatase inhibitor (AI), it is actually a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator).



Tamoxifen has been used in the management of breast cancer for over 30 years. Since its introduction for the treatment of advanced breast cancer, its indications have increased to include the treatment of early breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ, and more recently for breast cancer chemo prevention.

Benefits of tamoxifen
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back by 40% to 50% in postmenopausal women and by 30% to 50% in premenopausal women.
  • reduce the risk of a new cancer developing in the other breast by about 50%
  • shrink large, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers before surgery.

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How it works?

When a user runs anabolic steroids, the pituitary realizes it’s getting too much hormone, so it goes dormant. This sends your LH to near zero (0) and the body no longer produces its own testosterone; in simple terms, your natural testosterone production shuts down. So, when you come off a cycle it’s important to run a PCT (post cycle therapy) to help recover the body’s HPTA.

Tamoxifen does not mimic the LH in the body, rather it stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropins. Gonadotropins are protein hormones that are secreted by gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland and stimulate faster and higher release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). When this happens, the rise in LH will spike up the total testosterone levels allowing a smooth post cycle therapy (PCT). As a result, this will help you minimize any losses in muscle gains until your own body is able to recover.

Interestingly, tamoxifen works just like clomiphene, by stopping estrogen from going into the pituitary, which manipulates it into producing LH. In turn, it then signal the leydig cells to produce testosterone. Many users of nolvadex have run blood work showing LH levels rise from 0 to over 10iu, which is above the normal referenced range for an adult male. As a result of this, your testosterone levels go up.

It is important to remember these testosterone spikes are temporary while on the drug. Once you come off, levels will normalize and, with the foreign hormones out of your body, the users HPTA will be able to recover on its own.

Side Effects

There is evidence that Nolvadex up-regulates progestin receptors. This means if you run tamoxifen along with a progestin, such as any type of nandrolone or trenbolone, you run a higher chance of developing progestin related side effects. This has some ongoing debate in both the medical and bodybuilding community. Therefore, to be on the safe side, don’t use it with progestins.

More information

In the late 1980s, steroid guru Dan Duchaine speculated that nolvadex could be used to help with gynecomastia (bitch tits). Since then, it has become popular as an anti-gynecomastia treatment and for use in the cycle in men who are prone to gynecomastia . When gynecomastia-prone anabolic steroid users run flavoring compounds, like testosterone or dianabol , they turn into estrogens. This can lead to puffy nipples, swelling, blood pressure, erectile dysfunction (ED), and other estrogen-related sides. Nolvadex can prevent some estrogen related side effects from occurring and can stop the growth of gynecomastia. However, in my opinion, the use of an AI is much more effective for overall estrogen control.

In practice, tamoxifen is best used to help increase LH and total testosterone. This will help you recover from a cycle, making it a popular choice for post cycle therapy (PCT). A combination of clomiphene and tamoxifen is one of the best recovery options for most PCT regimens.


You should start with 10-20mg every other day at the most, and see how the dosage works for you. Make sure to run it as a part of a complete post cycle therapy.


Nolvadex works very similarly to a clomid. It is an antagonist of the estrogen receptors it binds to, preventing active estrogen from binding in its place. Unlike AIs, such as aromasin , letrozole, or arimidex , which actually reduces the flow of estrogen in the body, nolvadex simply blocks estrogen from the receptor. This means that there is a greater chance of an estrogen rebound effect.

User reviews

Review 1
Not sure if Nolvadex is doing anything

Review 2
No apparent results

Review 3

The product is excellent. My doctor prescribed it for 5 years. This is my second year of taking Novaldex 20 mg. I think a 10 mg dosage is when you have the early case of cancer.

Review 4

As for me, I also prefer the original rather than analogues of the same drug. The principles of effectiveness are different, and there might be more side effects. I take Nolvadex only online, as I already trust the company, and they deliver it without any problems.



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